It doesn’t matter how professional you are; it’s impossible to please everyone. If you get a negative review, here’s how to handle it.
Before you “set that person straight,” take a few minutes to collect your thoughts and get over the initial anger.
Respond to Everyone
You could reply only to some bad reviewers—maybe those people with issues you can resolve or who didn’t write in all caps with exclamation points. But would you rather be seen as an agent who ignores criticism or always tries to help people? By responding to every review, you’re showing that you work to satisfy clients. And you may turn the reviewer into a fan.
Keep it Professional
Some reviewers cross the line with personal attacks, but you cannot reply in kind. Always take the high road, and you’ll look like a true professional when paired with an immature criticism.
Find the Problem
Some people use the review to vent frustration without specifics. Others cite exactly what they disliked. Focus on those specifics in your response.
Check the Facts
If the reviewer does mention specifics, respond with objective information about the transaction.
Extend an Invitation to Talk Further—Offline
You want people seeing the negative review to recognize that you care. However, you don’t want to publicly debate anyone.
Know When to Disengage
If instead of contacting you privately, the reviewer adds a combative public response, it may be time to move on.
Generally good advice, other than to “respond with objective information about the transaction” – this should be tempered some. First, think about the information about the transaction and whether your client would appreciate seeing it on line. For example, otherwise non-public information about price negotiation (or any other back and forth negotiation) is almost always going to be improper to post in a public forum. Further, if the person is complaining online, consider whether there may be some legal action coming, too – either against you/your broker or your client. If there is any possibility of that – you should… Read more »
Thank you so much.. I love it…A year ago someone wrote a bad review on my Facebook page..I was so hurt.. I did nothing except block them.
I agree that it’s so shocking when, as an agent you go beyond 100% to serve and meet all the real estate needs of your client….just to receive a sour response. I choose NOT TO RESPOND for a day, and then try to think about their concerns from the perspective they have shared them. Not easy, but do it anyway….be kind and gracious.
Someone left a bad review on my face book business page and I have no idea who they are.
The best thing to do when you read a bad review is to contact the reviewer and see what you could have done differently or better to earn a better review. Yes, some people give bad reviews just because…and if that is what’s happened, you can try to have the review removed.